The human being has to free himself/herself from everything that burdens him/her
If the human being is unhappy and unsatisfied, then he/she is also burdened in one wise or another by stress that has settled in him/her in such a way that he/she is of the confused belief that this is normal. On the one hand, however, this stress is completely abnormal and, on the other hand, it is self-made by him/her. Moreover, this stress is not of that form which arises through hecticness due to work, as a result of a hectic life or fellow human beings getting on one's nerves and nerve-wracking happenings and situations, etc., because effectively this arises from himself/herself, namely because his/her unhappiness and unsatisfaction annoys and just stresses him/her. He/she has made all the stress regarding this in himself/herself and continues to make it, because he/she irritates and keeps in chaos his/her whole heavily demolished thought-feeling-psyche-consciousness-block thereby, as he/she constantly manically, i.e. pathologically hangs on to exaggerated wrong and 'twisted' thoughts and feelings, which he/she continuously incites and builds up anew again and again.
Therefrom his/her thought-feeling-psyche-consciousness-stress arises, for which he/she uses his/her lovelessness to himself/herself, disapproves of himself/herself and at the same time still uses the whole stress-structure to numb and encapsulate himself/herself against the reality and its truth. However, his/her entire activity in this regard causes him/her heavy problems and pains, which the human being cannot master because of his/her crooked thought-feeling world. This is because he/she does not know how to do it and what he/she has to do, because he/she has not been instructed by his/her wrong education inflicted on him/her and also in the course of his/her life, how and what he/she has to do in relation to problem-solving of this kind. Although he/she tries – consciously or unconsciously – day after day, to distract himself/herself from his/her thoughts and feelings that numb him/her towards the environment, because he/she unconsciously knows that his/her destructive behavior is wrong, but he/she simply fails.
So first and foremost, he/she has to fundamentally become conscious and realize, what is going on with his/her thought-feeling-psyche-consciousness-world, that he/she wrongly directs it, demolishes it himself/herself and therefore also has to heal it himself/herself, because he/she can do this only alone and bring it to success. The human being must therefore realize and be conscious that he/she all alone must turn his/her own thought-feeling-world in the right direction and whip it into shape, because no other human being can do this for him/her – not even a psychologist or a psychiatrist. He/she has to help himself/herself, namely by regulating his/her thoughts and feelings and thus his/her psyche and consciousness and directing them into best, good and positive forms.
And only then, when he/she comprehends this and brings forth the decisive necessary will and the 'now-I-want-to-do-it' for the necessary thought-feeling-change, will he/she have success and then find more and more peace and also joy in his/her life again, as well as happiness and satisfaction. But for that it is necessary that he/she knows what he/she henceforth has to do entirely alone for himself/herself about his/her self-created stress from out of his/her unhappiness and unsatisfaction.
So that the human being can developmentally change in his/her thoughts and feelings to the better, good and positive and thus also to a happy and satisfied human being, he/she first and foremost has to show himself/herself his/her best possible loving attention. Only slowly but continuously, however, can he/she build this up in himself/herself more and more if he/she concentrates on letting awaken in him/her true self-love. And so that he/she can build this up in himself/herself, it is only necessary that he/she concentratedly indulges in pleasing, peaceful, harmonious, loving and thus completely positive daydreams and wishful-daydreams, whereby he/she kicks the habit of/gets away from his/her troublesome, gloomy thoughts and the therefrom resulting oppressive feelings.
Such daydreams cultivated in this wise exert a strongly suggestive effect on his/her consciousness and also begin to have a very positive effect on his/her psyche, as a result of which everything transfers into the unconscious of his/her consciousness as well as into his/her subconsciousness and also establishes itself in the memory levels responsible for this. This means that his/her unconscious, which comes before the consciousness, and also his/her subconsciousness – which are fundamentally two different factors, which however is still unknown in earthly psychology and psychiatry –, together with the corresponding memory information henceforth also release, over and over again, all that which is joyful, peaceful, loving, harmonious and positive in an impulse-based-wise into the consciousness again.
This means that a positive cycle and hence a progressive developmental change to the better and good arise as a result, whereby all the negative and bad acquired-of-old dissolves. And this happens therefore, because at the same time, by focussing the concentration on the value content of daydreams and wishful-daydreams, all the superfluous stimuli from the environment become irrelevant for the conscious perception. And thus it also results that the consciousness becomes more and more impregnated with these good and positive values and the whole becomes a normal state over time, whereby this new, good state of consciousness, i.e. the new consciousness-form slowly but surely affects the thought-feeling-world in a more positively-valueful wise.
In this wise, through the suggestive influence of the daydreams, wish-fulfilling daydreams and dreams of castles in the air, the consciousness is influenced by the unconscious which comes before it, as well as by the subconsciousness and the corresponding memory levels and "reprogrammed" so to speak. In this wise, therefore, as a result of the constant on-going impulses to the consciousness, it, and thus in further consequence the thought-feeling-world in turn, is positively influenced. This is then the actual factor that becomes the crucial point of the developmental change in relation to the fact that the negative turns to the positive, i.e. the unhappiness and the unsatisfaction turn to the happiness and to the satisfaction. Daydreams, wish-fulfilling daydreams and dreams of castles in the air (see 'The Psyche', Billy, Wassermannzeit-Verlag FIGU), which are consciously willingly nurtured during the waking state and intensively concentratedly cared for, can of course very well also be in the form of fantasy-imaginations, as well as in a lucid wise, i.e. in a realistic, clear, distinct, obvious and understandable form, because as a rule, the occurrences of daydreams or wish-fulfilling daydreams and dreams of castles in the air, can be personally influenced.
In doing so, not only can the human being have an influence on the action by being able to intervene in it, but he/she is also absolutely capable of consciously forming, controlling and bringing about all that which is dream-based according to his/her will, desire and action. And once he/she has freed himself/herself from the terribleness of his/her unhappiness and unsatisfaction, as well as from the thereout resulting stress, then positive daydreams, wish-fulfilling daydreams and dreams of castles in the air can appear also all on their own, when his/her concentration wears off, he/she becomes inattentive and lets himself/herself simply be overwhelmed calmly by such dreamings, wherethrough he/she finds peaceful rest.
What the human being, however, has to understand by such daydreamings, is important for him/her and furthermore means the following: In contrast to normal dreams, he/she experiences the aforementioned daydreaming forms with clear and full consciousness, whereby however, the daydream experience is still comparable to that of a normal sleeping-dream. Fundamentally, the state of each kind of dream is a form of a consciousness-expansion, whereby the attention is turned away from the external stimuli and concentrated on the inner of the consciousness, its unconscious and the subconscious. With regard to the sleeping-dreams, it can be understood that the perception and the 'I' either take a step back into the past or – in the case of a future-visionary dream – into the future. It can also be said that instead of seeing the world through the eyes, the corresponding pictures are viewed, considered and observed from the 'inner view'.
Looked at and considered from a purelysound-/good-psychological view, all forms of daydreams are a slight consciousness-expansion, which however can only occur if the brain, i.e. the consciousness as well as the thoughts are, so to speak, under-utilized or simply consciously directed toward such daydreams. Fundamentally, such daydreaming can be used, on the one hand, to escape reality as well as a pushing-away mechanism. On the other hand, they are an excellent means and healing medicament to counteract disturbances of the thought-feeling-psyche-consciousness-world, to dissolve them and to bring about a developmental change in the recovery of the thought-feeling-psyche-consciousness-block.
Particularly unburdened human beings – especially children educated in a righteous wise – can literally lose themselves in daydreams, wish-fulfilling daydreams and in dreams of castles in the air and thereby keep their thought-feeling-psyche-consciousness-block healthy, positive and fully functional and thus be completely happy, peaceable, joyful, equalized, sociable and open to good interhuman relationships. On the other hand, there are logically also human beings who daydream intensively because they want to flee their negative and bad reality and its truth, because they have disturbances in their thought-feeling-psyche-consciousness-world and try to get rid of them through the practice of daydreaming.
This happens, for example, in situations where there are family problems or fear of spouses who use Gewalt or wrongly-educating parents, as a result of which the tormented spouse or children instinctively flee into a 'safe' world of thoughts and feelings that gives them consolation and protection and care and which keeps them on their feet, so that they can nevertheless still struggle quite reasonably through their lives and manage it somehow.
In terms of the content, thought-feeling-psyche-consciousness-building and thus very useful daydreamings, can deal with the practical things of life, as also however with pure figments of the imagination and especially with dream-wish ideas and effective dreams of castles in the air.
In addition to the forms of daydreaming mentioned so far for the preserving or upbuilding of a healthy and positive thought-feeling-psyche-consciousness-block, so-called themed-daydreams can also be cultivated, in which acute matters are consciously considered in a form of reality-daydream-vision-dreams, such as activities. These may be activities that still need to be carried out, as well as personal matters that still need to be brought into a right condition. Also interhuman problems can be 'daydreamed-through' in this wise, although this, of course, has nothing to do with the 'escape from the reality daydreams', i.e. with unrealistic themes of speculative or fantastic nature.
The origination and cultivation of daydreamings is in every case and therefore in all life situations of great importance, because the area of the human brain and thus also the consciousness is extremely active during a daydream. And the more active the consciousness and the brain are, the more intensively the content of daydreaming will also be perceived by the human being daydreaming in this wise and concentratedly stored in the consciousness as well as in the unconscious that comes before the consciousness and also in the subconsciousness and in the thought levels responsible for this. This, in order to be circularly transported back into the consciousness and to become conscious, through which the whole begins to actively work and accordingly, the longer, the more the thought-feeling world transforms and determines the actions as well as the modes of behavior.
Aside from the fact that daydreaming shall be consciously cultivated to correct disturbances of the thought-feeling-psyche-consciousness-block, which go hand in hand with a demolished psyche as well as unhappiness and unsatisfaction, arises, as has already been said, daydreaming, namely in phases of diminishing concentration and unattentiveness, which come about in everyday life, especially during monotonous activities. At the same time the thoughts and feelings unconsciously unconcentratedly wander about and the consciousness is quasi self-occupied. Thus somehow a kind of stepping back behind the actual perceptual threshold takes place, wherethrough thought impulsations and thought pictures are created, which occur as internal monologues and also affect the attention.
In particular psychological illnesses and borderline personality disorders promote the unconscious occurrence of pathological daydreaming, as well as in certain cases such also appear as the first symptoms in schizophrenia. This does not mean, however, that frequent daydreams, wish-fulfilling daydreams and wish-fulfilling daydreams of castles in the air automatically point to such illnesses, especially not if such dreamings are entirely consciously evoked and cultivated in order to resolve disturbances with regard to unhappiness, unsatisfaction and a health-wise impaired thought-feeling-psyche-consciousness-block.
In this wise, namely, in which such daydreams are nourished and cherished in a conscious wise and controlled, the human being absolutely remains clearly connected with the reality and its effective truth as well as with his/her consciousness. This precisely in contrast to borderline-sufferers or schizophrenics, with whom it is generally given that they cross the line between their pathological daydreaming and the reality, consequently they can no longer distinguish between daydream and reality. Exactly this is tremendously burdensome for them as well as for their social environment.
Fundamentally, all consciously created daydreamings, however, are absolutely harmless if they are cared for in a healthy and positive frame, as it has been explained, because daydreams nourished and cherished in a conscious wise means that the human being is absolutely clear and conscious about the fact that he/she is in the conscious state of a daydreaming and is master of himself/herself in a thought-feeling-psyche-consciousness-based wise. He/she is also clear and conscious that he/she can control his/her daydream situation and also perceive what is happening at the time of his/her daydream state in the outside world, as a result of which he/she can keep everything under control regarding himself/herself and also to the outside in his/her direct environment.
Thus, there is relatively little or no danger that an accident happens while daydreaming, because the human being who consciously dedicates himself/herself to daydreaming, usually pays attention to any abnormal signs and can thus avoid falling into critical situations. It is also impossible that the consciously and clearly daydreaming human being can 'get stuck' in his/her daydreams, because he/she is indeed fully conscious that he/she is daydreaming, consequently, the borderline between daydream and reality remains clear, even then, if in a deep-reaching, suggestive-meditative daydreaming-situation the dream-waking-world becomes a bit blurred.
However, further there is to say, that when unwanted and uncontrolled daydreams appear that also cannot be consciously controlled, in that case they can be warning signals of the psyche which must be given attention to, because it can concern disorders that possibly need to be treated medically, and indeed especially if unwanted and uncontrolled daydreams increasingly appear.
Such unwanted daydreams can be a primary symptom of the borderline syndrome, of schizophrenia, or for any nascent psychological or consciousness-based disorders, therefore a medical consultation and possibly also a medical treatment may be necessary. Compared to such possible dangers, however, the benefits of daydreaming is to be assessed more highly, particularly in relation to the well-being of the thought-feeling-psyche-consciousness-block, as well as with respect to solutions for complex problems, etc. During daydreaming, the consciousness, is, so to speak, in a state of emptiness and begins an activity of its own in which it independently takes up and solves everyday problems, or responds to what mentally is consciously created as a daydream, in which case such self-created daydreams serve in particular the relaxation and compensation of the imbalance with regard to the health of the thought-feeling-psyche-consciousness-block.
Daydreamings also help against boredom and promote the urge to achieve something very specific that is striven for. They also strengthen the will and the volition-to-do-now, and indeed precisely by building up the will and transforming the volition into a now-doing. Through the conscious daydreaming in this form, the cherished wish is visualized and willingly built up positively to the realization, by which the necessary will, the volition and the now-doing are stimulated and the whole is realized. As a consequence the consciousness relaxes and regenerates itself during daydreaming, which also activates the 'neural standard network', which is active in any form of sleep- or waking-dream and thus also in every conscious daydreaming.
If, on the other hand, other brain regions are looked at and considered, then these are otherwise active during normal conscious thinking about any things, and, moreover, they can recover from their activities during daydreamings. Daydreams are also used in psychotherapy and psychiatry, and they indeed play a not insignificant role in this, because they are a proven method of calming and reciprocal communication with the subconsciousness. Unfortunately, however, it is not known that thereby also the unconscious, which comes before the consciousness and the subconsciousness, is also involved, because in earthly psychology and psychiatry there is no knowledge concerning these diverse unconscious-forms.
Now it is up to the human being to bestir himself/herself and, with regard to daydreaming, to do that which is necessary and valueful for him/her and which takes him/her thither so he/she will finally be happy and satisfied. As a self-conscious human being, he/she is absolutely capable to consciously bring about daydreams, thus he/she can become a conscious daydreamer, to make himself/herself more equalized in his/her thought-feeling-psyche-consciousness-block and thereby to free himself/herself from his/her unhappiness and unsatisfaction. He/she, however, is also able thereby to strengthen his/her willpower and creativity and to fulfill himself/herself, by putting himself/herself in a suggestive-meditation-like state.
The human being can do this at a quiet and relaxing place, taking a comfortable position, also emptying his/her consciousness and then adjusting to his/her daydreaming. In doing so, he/she has to turn off all his/her disturbing arbitrary thoughts and to carry himself/herself off into his/her daydream world with neutral-positive thoughts. The transition into his/her daydreaming succeeds, if he/she manages to integrate more and more aspects into his/her daydream fantasy and to eliminate the superfluous stimuli from the environment as well as the wrong, negative thoughts from his/her thought-world and all external and disturbing stimuli.
And the less the human being pays attention to unworthy thoughts, the more peaceful will be his/her inner state, and then only the contents of his/her dream-fantasy gain the upper hand. As a result, he/she loses the sense of space and time and can live completely in his/her daydreaming and build up himself/herself anew in a thought-feeling-psyche-consciousness-based wise.
If, from now on, the human being indulges in good and positive daydreams that have no longer anything to do with thoughts of the bad and ungood and nothing with his/her unhappy and unsatisfied state, but only with fundamentally new positive thoughts and other impulsations as well as actions and modes of behavior, in which case he/she also perceives and accepts the reality and its truth, as he/she also leaves behind his/her unhappy and unsatisfied state, then he/she quickly wins a developmental change to a better and healthy, happy and satisfied life. He/she can think up this with his/her blossoming fantasy and furthermore create his/her own daydream world for his/her joy and fun, which always helps him/her to get over all problems and constantly builds him/her up further thought and feeling-wise as well, just as this is also the case with regard to his/her consciousness-based and psychological building up.
SSSC, April 30, 2016, 5:21 pm, Billy
Translation: Bruce Lulla, USA // Mariann Uehlinger, Switzerland