The prolonged bear market in crypto space has been christened by many as the long crypto winter. Will its' end ever come?
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Like the lunar cycles, the crypto market goes through long growing phases, and long waning stages, very volatile phenomena that can sometimes last for many months. As the darkest dawn of the year, the market outlook also shows its sullen face. From time to time, it is necessary to descend to hell before recomposing the wings and resuming the flight. And what a stir! Panic in the streets! Great opportunities!
The winter of cryptocurrency
Winter is here. Time to hibernate, to rest and integrate, a long period of cold, darkness and humidity. There are no more shouts of "lambo" and "to the moon", the gurus have disappeared. We cross the dark night of the soul, patiently awaiting the arrival of light. The phonies have fallen, those easy money seekers, but there remain the believers, increasingly fervent, weathering as they can the storm, creating in silence, developing new applications to facilitate life for the customer, and taking advantage of the falls to recharge ammunition and sink a little more their teeth into these tools of peer-to-peer value exchange that transcend jurisdictions.
Let's not forget that this is a kind of money that, in practice, no government can take away from us, and in which the great empires are also taking positions so as not to fall behind, stuck in the old molds. We have to adapt to the times we live in.
The borders between us and them, the rulers and the people, are becoming blurred, because they no longer have to open and close the money tap at will. Let them reel their minds to draft regulations and try to impose sanctions on a world phenomenon more robust and versatile than all legislations. In cyberspace, code is the law. And that law sometimes doesn't even have an author. Anyone, from home, can execute it. Now, moreover, it resists censorship by replicating itself to the point of satiety. And that's not to mention the armies of bots that camp the net and will soon be legion. Can we also judge artificial intelligence?
Air of freedom
We are living in a dizzying present, a period of profound transformation of the old structures, with their battles and struggles, towards models of social management that become more respectful of the individual freedom of all people equally, without power pyramids or imposed systems that, to top it all, try to govern our thinking.
The air of freedom is approaching. Financial freedom, sexual freedom, freedom of worship, freedom of expression, freedom, freedom, freedom. A freedom that will only come when we cease in our soporific effort to judge and legislate other people's lives. Let us respect individual sovereignty and the legitimate right of every person to decide about his or her body and property, while safeguarding privacy.
Where will this dimensional vortex lead us? In the face of technological advances, humanity finds itself at a crossroads. We can develop a Big Brother of massive vigilance, or we can begin to organize, for all, a great continuous party. I, for my part, choose to be optimistic.