Editorial: India-Taliban Talk
In the wake of American Troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, the leaders of Taliban (Afghan’s formidable armed rebels) are talking to the Indian Government. The Indian Government is openly stated anything about this ‘informal’ meeting. Considering the current geopolitical situation in the troublesome Afghanistan, this talk holds a significant development. On any account, India is the reliable ally in Afghanistan. If India loses this opportunity to maintain peace in Afghanistan, then it will create turmoil. India is willing to play an honest broker role in this part of the world. And that is laudable. In the last two-decades, India’s track record has been exemplary. It involved in so many nation-building missions and successfully accomplished those tasks without mingling with the local politics. The Taliban should give due-respect to India and utilize its expertise to create a better life for Afghanis in Afghanistan. At the same time, India’s estranged foe Pakistan also would like to take part in Afghan affairs considering its close geographical proximity. So, India should engage with Afghan forces with caution.