by Christina Glasser
Racism, imperialism and colonialism are all ideologies, which will be used for securing of claims of might, whereby under racism is to be understood the entirety of the theories and political teachings, that claim correlations between anthropological characteristics of human races and culture developments and thereby cultural capabilities and historical lines of development do not relate back to political and social, but rather to biological causes. In the stricter sense under racism all teachings are to be understood, that from such correlations the claim of a superiority or inferiority of one human race compared with another. The racism supplies therefore domestically the reason for discrimination, underprivileged position or suppression of ethnic groups (often minorities), who as representatives of other races are designated. Foreign policy of the racism is brought up for justification of imperialism and colonialism.
Under imperialism today is a political-economic dominance relationship understood with the fulfillment, the population of a strange/foreign country with political, diplomatic, cultural and ideological means to influence, to exploit, to make dependent and directly or indirectly to control.
Colonialism is an economic expansion, which is secured in the form of political control of an inferior civilization. The modern colonialism began in the age of 'discovery' in the 15th century in a connection of raw material exploitation and mission thoughts and since that time in several thrusts determined the relationship of the European states to the overseas areas. At the same time sought the might through colonial expansion also to support their European claim to leadership materially and politically.
Until now racist directions of thought were scientifically furthered through the assertion, that the different human being groups would possess characteristic gene combinations. However newest research results now revoke every founded basis of these ideologies, at least what concerns the biological backgrounds.
In a newspaper article (Tages-Anzeiger, Wednesday, 1-February-1995) by way of the population geneticist André Langaney finds itself the following paragraph:
“Genetic differentiation between individual ethnic groups over all regions is very much smaller than between individuals within an ethnic group. “All are related, each is different”, reads the cognition from 25 years of modern population genetics on the human beings. It revokes all racism the fertile grounds. That human being groups for instance are distinguished in the skin color or in facial features from each other, has to do with the migrations of peoples over the ten thousand years and with the adaptation to environmental factors.”
This very interesting article has in various respects once again shown, that everything has two sides. For many human beings, who rather pursue with concern the products of the 'DNA mechanics', it is certainly comforting to see, that entirely acceptable by-products of this branch of science are to be registered.
The gene investigation and genetic engineering will prepare us in the future for still many surprises and evidences for acceptances, that first with a handful of thinking human beings has taken form.
Also non-scientists give always again valueful thought-impulses. Thus expresses e.g. the following text of the Turkish poet Nacim Hikmet similar to, as the scientific cognition of the above-mentioned geneticists.
individual and free
like a tree
and brotherly
like a forest
is our longing
It is pleasing, that today again the connecting element among the human beings is sought and no more the segregating. The increasing specialization in all fields of knowledge has let the researchers push certain limits. Different brilliant minds however have recognized the signs of the time, and it will in some research projects that out of narrow-mindedness and self-over-estimation drawn out boundaries are again macerated and threads intertwined, that until now inevitably led into the emptiness.
This development is all the more pleasing, because, stoked up through the outcoming effects of the overpopulation, an obsolete believed racism again begins to spread itself; paired with a hatred of foreigners, asylum seekers and strangers. This newly flared up racism, that created from out of sick and wrong thinking and in its ultimate outcoming effect only leads to the hatred of the next ones and ultimately to the self-hatred, must be vehemently denounced in its hostile-to-life unlogicalness. Because much more extensive still, than is generally accepted, is everything forms a bond with each other and is interdependent; the human beings among each other equally, like the overall structure of fauna and flora and everything which concerns this universe and beyond. Thus racial hatred can be seen as nothing other than destruction and consequently also self-destruction, which itself in this case applies to the humankind of this planet.
Therefore unbelievably it sounds like also in the first moment: precisely those human beings are indirect promoters of the racism, who themselves freely of this believe and intend, to only do 'good works'. They have lost the overview about the correlations of the individual systems and cause present and coming incorrect developments through their wrong-human thinking and deeds. This both in foreign aid as well as in the foreigner and asylum politics. From previously committed errors (see e.g. colonialism) created with many Europeans a deep-rooted guilty conscience, from out of which the unlogical deeds result, like overpopulation-promoting assistance, etc. In the today's time however, in that the overpopulation is the number 1 fundamental disastrous thing, the so-called aid organizations can no more be furthered, because these are not thereon directed towards, addressing our of all main objective; namely to stop the overpopulation. The hunger problem namely cannot be managed with false humanistic aid programs from the world, but rather only through logicalness, logical thinking and deeds. And the logical thinking should tell us actually already for a long time, what we already however know, that the food production cannot keep up with the population explosion, that we will only bring under control the worldwide catastrophes of most different nature through a rigorous and radical stop of the 'wondrous' proliferation. (See overpopulation texts of FIGU.)
In the newly-bubbling up xenophobia and racial-hatred densely populated Europe itself has essentially intensified the survival-anxiety component of economic nature. There namely, where space and income opportunities become always more scarce and inevitably the competition becomes always harder, where material and consciousness-based poverty itself takes hold and everyone begrudges everyone the air to breath, everywhere there the human beings lose the esteem for each other. The next one is no more the next one, but rather the foe standing next to one, and when a supposed being of another kind or preference given to someone or something is discovered, in him/her awakens hatred, envy and resentment. Weak, weak intelligence and human beings sick in their thinking then gladly take hold of 'proven' old-handed down hatred patterns, in order to 'take out their anger' on innocent and mostly defenseless fellow human beings. They are too cowardly, themselves the one's own inner foe, which they in themselves bear, to stand up and fight against it. They have anxiety, to discover and take hold of the disastrous thing (foolishness) in themselves, better to propagate an imagined common enemy.
These criminal individuals stand against completely incapable ruling powers and uncertain citizens, who themselves also still split into different camps: The ones, who themselves secretly rejoice over the 'bombastic' warnings, that the strangers, foreigners, asylum seekers, Sinti or Roma (gypsies), etc. will be given, and the others, who are still imprisoned from happenings of the past, plagued from a guilty conscience and not able to distinguish between handed down requirements and healthy human intellect, whereby the past injustices and monstrousness will be replaced by new atrocities, etc.; thus e.g. occur in Palestine. However one need not then seek far, in order to call attention to the vulnerability of the Central European people in their conscience hardship. Unscrupulous human beings have for a long time discovered this weak point and extort in this country with moral pressure and through foisted racist goods of thoughts of concessions, which they themselves would never be prepared to give.
Daily unfortunately also can be observed, that themselves human beings of other peoples and races among each other themselves harm and hate and themselves lament over their discrimination as strangers and as foreigners. They however are themselves also not one iota better and find always still someone, who 'stands far below them'. The 'hierarchical' downward gradient saw then something thus: Italian - Spaniard - Turk - Yugoslav - Tamils, etc. Even among the one's own fellow countrymen/women there are strict gradations; so consider e.g. the North Italians the South Italians to some extent as 'Black', with those they do not want to sit themselves at the same table. This is reliably one of the more harmless examples of the everyday insanity, when one thinks of Yugoslavia, Ireland, South Africa and to Turkey and to the Kurds, etc.
In order to come back once again to extortionate methods of conscienceless existences, an example, that still goes nearer in the detail and together with racist also sexist aspects brings to light: It frequently occurs, that white women, themselves talk normally and without prejudices with black men, themselves at once see downcast in the racist's corner, then namely, when they are not prepared, make more from a normal conversation, when not even a bed story. Also other innocent human beings have experienced surely already similar and seen themselves in a situation at one time, in which they had to fight back against interpreted requirements, in order to then get fitted with the harming label of xenophobic and the race-hater. Look at one of our political leaders (this sadness), because none of them trusts themselves, to say the fair opinion, and should they however even slip in one true word, it is violently disclaimed the next day (e.g., outbreak of the Yugoslavia conflict).
Thus humankind must liberate itself therefore today two-fold, on the one hand from untenable racist goods of thoughts, and on the other hand from the wrong-human thinking, which only continue to drag us into the dirt.
English translation from the original German text by Patrick McKnight and may contain errors - 5-September-2016 | English translation © Creational Truth 2011-2020