IMPORTANT NOTE: This is an official and authorised translation of a FIGU publication.
N.B. This translation contains errors due to the insurmountable language differences between German and English. Before reading onward, please read this necessary prerequisite to understanding this document.
Translation by Vibka Wallder 12th December 2012
All Seven Forms of Prayer by Nokodemion
by 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier
Traditional forms of prayer, that is to say, forms of consciousness-invocation, that is to say, forms of speaking-to-the-consciousness in regard to the consciousness of the human being, which lead back to the universal prophet Nokodemion, exist in several forms and are listed in the storage banks of Nokodemion. From time immemorial these prayers, in their forms of application and usage, have been given according to the earlier understanding of the human beings, who were still using the term ‘spirit’ for consciousness. So these forms reach from ancient times into the new-time, in which the human beings are capable of comprehending the term consciousness. During the first period of the new-time, in the prayer, the term ‘spirit’ was and still is being used according to the traditional wrong understanding that, in effect, the consciousness is meant by that. But now the time has come in which the correct form can be named, because the human beings of the new time increasingly reach the comprehension, that not the spirit but rather the consciousness is the fundamental factor from which the discernment and the wealth of ideas and so forth, come forth. And finally, until the final value of the future, in which the form of the term ‘consciousness’ is fully grasped and used and it is also understood without doubt that a pure personal speaking in relation to one’s own consciousness has to be carried out, the new as well as last form of prayer for the future shall be named, as it is pre-given in Nokodemion’s storage banks, as are all others.
Actually, since time immemorial, the prayer in its various versions is a form of speaking to one’s own consciousness, whereby since the earliest times, due to unknowledge, erroneously, instead of the consciousness, the spirit was spoken to, which however functions as the creational-natural giver of life-energy in the human being and enlivens the consciousness with its energy.
For the understanding
This new form of prayer can be used as desired by every human being, and fundamentally it has the same value as the old spirit-teaching-prayer-form. And whoever does not have the ability to learn the prayer by heart, that is to say, the invocation that speaks to the consciousness, may content himself/herself with reading the prayer quietly, loudly or silently, because one way or another the effect is given in every wise and in time it has a positive effect.
The old form of prayer, which goes back to the earliest times, is addressed to the spirit, because in earliest times the term ‘consciousness’ was not common, that is to say, it was unknown, one only spoke of the ‘spirit of the human being’, when the talk was of those powers which come forth from the consciousness. Exactly that has unfortunately been maintained into the current time, for which reason in the present one wrongly talks about ‘spiritual property’, ‘spiritual illness’ and of the human ‘spirit’ when the effects and powers of the consciousness are meant, as for example, the discernment, the wealth of ideas (‘spiritual property’), the illness of the consciousness (‘spiritual illness’) and so forth. And because the term ‘consciousness’ was still unknown in earliest times and the human beings generally were not familiar with it, it could therefore also not be used, consequently the term ‘spirit’ was placed in the foreground, which was understood as the power of ideas and discernment of the human being, thus from that time on, in the human being’s understanding, the spirit found admission as the human driving power for all non-visible and non-tangible powers, and so forth. And because no better understanding prevailed for it, the spirit was put in the place of the consciousness, consequently unconsciously during the invocation (prayer) of the spirit the consciousness was meant. This has been the case since time immemorial and unfortunately in this wise is still not understood today, simply as a result of the spirit being seen as the power of discernment and the driving force of ideas, and so forth, rather than the consciousness. However, every rational human being, who, in his/her consciousness, recognises and understands the real and truthly energy and power of the human discernment and wealth of ideas, can without concern make best use of the new form of prayer, that is to say, form of consciousness-invocation, that is to say, form of speaking-to-the-consciousness. Initially it will seem strange as far as the thoughts and feelings are concerned, but after a certain time everything will produce results and become normality.
All-knowing, all-mightiness, all-capability, all-wise, all-truthly and all-loving; -- these are terms which absolutely and exclusively apply to the consciousness, however, always tuned to its level of evolution. So in every regard these terms relate to the level of evolution of the given understanding, capability, knowledge, the truth and love, the wisdom and might of the consciousness. All these terms are thus integrated in an evolutive limitation and are not to be understood in a manner as it is misunderstood in a religious-believing form and so forth, in which the value of these terms and their execution and effects as well as their presence would be unending and cannot be surpassed anymore. The truth is that all these values constantly can be expanded through processes of evolution, when they develop further by means of the consciousness.
14th February 2012, 11.48 pm
There is one primal-traditional prayer from the spiritual teaching, which leads back to Nokodemion himself, which however has been falsified immensely maliciously - by means of wrong traditions and through the Christian church’s imperious machinations of misleading - into the so-called ‘Lord’s prayer’, in order to pave the way for dependence on the belief-lies by means of anxiety and bondage.
The four old-time spiritual-teaching-prayer-forms by Nokodemion
1. First spirit-teaching-prayer by Nokodemion
- My spirit, you are all-knowing, all-capable, all-wise, all-truthly and all-loving in me, your name shall be honoured.
- Your all-mightiness shall spread out in me to the consciousness of my thoughts, so that I – in conscious ability – use, unfold and implement the knowledge, powers, wisdom, truths and the universal love, the peace and the freedom, which are present and accumulated in me.
- Your all-mightiness shall become a conscious distinctness in me, in my body and in all spiritual realms.
- Let your all-mightiness be effective in me daily and unfold itself, and nourish my unknowledge with knowledge and wisdom,
- whereby I am able to recognise and resolve the committed errors, which befall me on the way of my development.
- Let me not – through materialistic and worldly things and wrong modes of thinking – go delusional ways and fall into belief-dependence through irrational teachings,
- for I shall be conscious of your all-mightiness in me; the power of your capability and the knowledge in the Absolutum for the duration of all times.
If it is too difficult for a human being, this primal-traditional form or prayer by Nokodemion can also be used in shortened form, which fundamentally has the same value and with short words means the same. The numbers of the original first and longer version are the exact interpretations of the corresponding sentences of the second and very shortened version, which reads as follows:
2. Second spirit-teaching-prayer by Nokodemion
- My spirit, you are in almightiness.
- Your name shall be honoured.
- Your realm shall incarnate (open) in me.
- Your power shall unfold in me, on earths and in the firmaments.
- Give me my daily bread (love, wisdom) today, so I recognise my responsibility and I recognise the truth.
- And do not lead me into confusion, nor into delusion, but release me from erroneous assumption.
- For yours is the realm in me and the power and the knowledge in eternity.
In addition to this version there are still various other ones, which however in their content value are formed such that they correspond with the sense of the original prayer by Nokodemion, as for example, the following, which shows a slight change in the 6th sentence:
3. Third spirit-teaching-prayer by Nokodemion
- My spirit, you are in almightiness.
- Your name shall be honoured.
- Your realm shall incarnate in me.
- Your power shall unfold in me, on earths and in the firmaments.
- Give me my daily bread today, so I recognise my responsibility and I recognise the truth.
- And do not lead me into confusion and delusion, but release me from erroneous assumption.
- For yours is the realm in me and the power and the knowledge in eternity.
4. Fourth spirit-teaching-prayer by Nokodemion
- My spirit (consciousness), you are in almightiness, your name shall be honoured (controlled, venerated).
- Your realm shall reveal and incarnate itself in me.
- Your power shall unfold itself in me, and it shall be effective in the earthly and in the spiritual in equalised and evolutive form.
- Give me today my daily bread, which I require in the earthly and in the spiritual.
- And let me recognise and resolve my errors, and thus let me recognise and learn the wisdom and the knowledge.
- Fill me with power against confusion and delusion, and thus give me power, so that through it I release myself from erroneous assumption.
- I live according to your laws and according to your recommendations, because yours is the realm of the spirit and of the life, and the power and the knowledge, and the truth and wisdom and love in all-timeliness. SO BE IT (Amen).
The three new-time spirit-teaching-prayer-forms by Nokodemion
The following new-time prayers are given as the last three prayers, that is to say, consciousness-invocation-forms, that is to say, forms of speaking-to-the-consciousness, as were originally intended and created by Nokodemion in wise foresight for the new-time:
5. Fifth spirit-teaching-prayer by Nokodemion
(created by the second-last Henok)
- My consciousness, you, which are in me as the power of Creation, shall lead me all-knowingly, all-capably, all-wisely, all-truthly and all-lovingly in all my things.
- Your might shall unfold itself in me, so I become conscious of my thoughts and feelings and use, unfold and implement all the acquired knowledge, the wisdom and all truth in conscious ability and lead everything to the true love, the peace, the freedom and the harmony.
- Your power shall be a conscious distinctness in me, therefore in my body and in all realms of my thoughts, feelings and the psyche.
- Let your power unfold itself and be effective in me daily and nourish my knowledge with love, feeling for others, understanding, rationality, logic and wisdom.
- My consciousness, let me recognise and resolve all my committed errors and avoid committing new errors, which befall me on the way of my development and which could hinder my advancement.
- Let me not go irrational ways because of material and worldly things and wrong modes of thinking, and let me not fall into belief-dependence because of irrational teachings.
- My consciousness, at all times I am conscious of your all-mightiness, as well as of the power of your ability, the knowledge and the wisdom, which shall always be my own at all times.
6. Sixth spirit-teaching-prayer by Nokodemion
(created by the second-last Henok)
- I am conscious that, by means of the power of my own consciousness, I am active in myself, and that I am all-knowing, all-capable, all-wise, all-truthly and all-loving in accordance with my intellect and rationality and that I guide and lead myself in all my things.
- My might spreads itself in me, so I am always conscious of my thoughts and my feelings, and in conscious ability I use, unfold and apply all acquired knowledge, the wisdom as well as the true truth and lead everything to the true love, the peace, the freedom and the harmony.
- My power is a conscious distinctness in me, therefore in my body and in all realms of my thoughts, feelings and in the psyche.
- My power of consciousness unfolds and is active in me daily, and thus I thereby respond to my unknowledge and nourish my knowledge with love and feeling for others as well as with understanding, rationality and wisdom.
- By means of my consciousness I let myself recognise all my committed errors and resolve them, whereby I also avoid committing new errors, which could befall me on the way of my development and hinder my advancement.
- Because of my love, my knowledge and my wisdom I do not allow myself to go irrational ways due to worldly things and erroneous modes of thinking and to be forced into a belief-dependence due to false teachings.
- By means of my consciousness-power and my consciousness-all-mightiness I am – pursuant to my intellect and rationality – at all times conscious of everything in regard to my power, my ability, knowledge and the wisdom, which is my own at all times and which I logically control.
7. Seventh spirit-teaching-prayer by Nokodemion
(A speaking to oneself – created by the last Henok)
- By means of the power of my consciousness - with my intellect and with my rationality alone - I exercise the all-mightiness over my knowledge, the truth, my ability, my love and truthliness.
- Only my might spreads itself in me, however, no other might, thus I am always conscious of my own thoughts and feelings and I unfold and use my knowledge, my wisdom and my ability, and with this I lead everything to the true love, freedom, harmony and to the peace in me.
- The power of my consciousness is a distinctness to me, so I use it to my own well-being for my thoughts and feelings and the psyche as well as for my body.
- Daily I unfold and use my consciousness-power, so it is constantly working in me and allows me to face my unknowledge, whereby I nourish my knowledge and my wisdom with love, feeling for others, as well as with understanding and rationality.
- Through the power of my consciousness I myself recognise my errors and resolve them and avoid committing new ones, so no errors can hinder me anymore in my development and advancement.
- The power of my consciousness allows me to recognise and avoid false teachings, wrong modes of thinking and all dangers of belief-dependency, as well as harmful material and worldly things.
- Through my consciousness-power I myself am in control of my intellect and my rationality, and through the all-mightiness of my consciousness I am, at all times, conscious of my power, my ability, my peace and knowledge, as well as my wisdom, love and harmony and control everything.