Contact Report 018
This is an official and authorised translation of a FIGU publication.
N.B. This translation contains errors due to the insurmountable language differences between German and English.
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Excerpt from the Contact Report 18 Translation
The prayer from the Talmud Jmmanuel, if you are able to give detailed explanations about it.
German Audio and Prayer from the Talmud Jmmanuel;
* Mein Geist, der du bist in Allmacht.
* Dein Name sei geheiligt.
* Dein Reich inkarniere sich in mir.
* Deine Kraft entfalte sich in mir, auf Erden und in den Himmeln.
* Mein tägliches Brot gib mir heute,
* so ich erkenne meine Schuld, und ich erkenne die Wahrheit.
* Und führe mich nicht in Versuchung und Verwirrung, sondern erlöse mich vom Irrtum.
* Denn dein ist das Reich in mir und die Kraft und das Wissen in Ewigkeit.
107. Of course, but I have to elaborate a little more in this regard, because my answer needs to be understood correctly.
108. Fundamentally, prayers are only to be understood as what they really express with their designation in your language: give-me.
109. That means that a prayer in truth signifies a wish in the form of a desire-based invocation to the spirit of the human being him/herself, with the sense:
110. Give me this or that, which I need.
111. True spiritual human beings, however, who are conscious of the power, knowledge and ability of their spirit, no longer perform such prayers, since they already live in the knowledge that they are capable of all things through the power of the all-mightiness of their spirit.
112. For this reason they uninterruptedly determine the utilization of the all-mightiness of their spirit.
113. However, the unspiritual human being is not capable of this, therefore he/she shall or needs to activate his/her spirit through a conscious prayer.
114. Explained further, that means:
115. The spiritual human being enduringly makes very conscious use of the powers and the ability of his/her consciousness and his/her spirit, while the unspiritual human being in doubts and submissiveness only expresses wishes in prayers, which he/she moreover as a rule does not even address to his/her own spirit or to the Creation, but depending on religion to some higher might or power, which in truth however does not exist or is not responsible, whereby thereby not even the Creation is addressed, because human beings who in a sectarian or religion-based way are dependent on prayer adhere to some tin gods or gods and so forth, but never to the Creation.
116. The wrong way of the prayer-dependent human being perverts in all his/her desires and invocations into illusion, whereby he/she against the laws forces his/her desires to the realization.
117. Certain things are termed or formulated differently in spiritual way of thinking than what the conscious thinking is able to understand.
118. Hence, different terms are used for certain things, of whose deeper meaning the normal-conscious human being has no idea, which unfortunately is again an advantage for the religions, which modify and evaluate these terms in their favor.
119. So the terms of various kinds appearing in the prayer you mentioned mean the following:
a) All-mightiness: all-knowing, all-capable, all-wise, all-truthful, all-logical, all-loving
b) Honored: controlling/exercising control, etc. (venerable etc.)
c) Firmament: realm of the spirit/spiritual realm, spiritual life, etc.
d) Earth: body/material life, etc.
e) Bread: all-mightiness/nourishment for the consciousness/nourishment for the spirit
f) Responsibility: errors, which are necessary for the development and recognition and, therefore, must be committed.
120. The spiritual subconscious is able to comprehend and process the spiritual form of thinking with ease, if in a prayer purely spiritual forms of thinking are used, whereby senseless babbling with many words is unnecessary.
121. Even if the consciousness itself is not able to understand the expressions presented in spiritual forms, they are nevertheless understood and utilized by the spiritual subconsciousness in cooperation with the spirit down to the last detail.
122. Since the unspiritual human being remains deprived of this cognizance, because he/she is most often trapped in religions, he/she is unable to interpret the sense of a spiritual form of thinking.
123. On the other hand, it cannot be explained to him/her either, because he/she will not comprehend the sense.
124. For this reason, the religions which are leading into delusion create babbling prayers that can in a conscious manner be explained and understood by the unspiritual human being, whereby through this malicious misguidance the human being concerned commits him/herself to the religion or sect.
125. Because if he/she carries out prayers that are understandable to him/her, in word and sense, towards whatever something, then the belief in them grows in him/her and he/she thus becomes the slave of his/her belief that is dictated to him/her.
126. However, when Jmmanuel has now issued a prayer, it is in the sense that the human being using it does not understand the sense of the words and therefore cannot simply fall prey to a belief.
127. But since the spiritual subconsciousness of the human being understands the sense of the words, the consequence will not fail to appear that, with sufficient use, the spiritual powers of the human being will align themselves with the invocations and develop in the form desired by the words, without the consciousness knowing what it actually requests and demands through the prayer that is incomprehensible to it.
128. In this way, the knowledge of the recognition and the truth is slowly attained without it being influenced by a belief.
129. Because, if a human being does things of whose sense he/she has no clue, and very specific consequences and results arise from these things, then these can only be the effects of those powers that have actually been called on, even if this has happened without the conscious knowledge of the human being concerned.
130. Because, if a human being unconsciously does the right thing, then based on the law the right result must also come to light.
131. If now, however, a human being does undertake something belief-based consciously in a certain form, such as e.g. in prayers, and it then actually brings forth results in desired and hoped-for form, then these only lead back to the belief and his/her deceptive imaginations, generated in the belief-dependent consciousness.
132. But now to the interpretation of the prayer created by Jmmanuel:
Mein Geist, der du bist in Allmacht.
Mein Geist, der du allwissend, allkönnend, allweise, allwahrheitlich und all-liebend in mir bist.
* My spirit, you are in all-mightiness.
* My spirit, you are all-knowing, all-capable, all-wise, all-truthly and all-loving in me.
Dein Name sei geheiligt.
Dein Name bezeugt mir deine kontrollierende Kraft deines Könnens über alle Dinge.
* Your name shall be honored.
* Your name attests to me your controlling power of your ability over all things.
Dein Reich inkarniere sich in mir.
Deine Allmacht breite sich aus in mir zur Bewusstheit meiner Gedanken, so ich die mir gegebenen und ersammelten Wissen, Kräfte, Weisheiten, Wahrheiten und die Liebe im Universellen, den Frieden und die Freiheit in bewusstem Können zur Nutzung, Entfaltung und zur Anwendung bringe.
* Your realm shall incarnate in me.
* Your all-mightiness shall spread out in me to the consciousness of my thoughts, so that I – in conscious ability – use, unfold and implement the knowledge, powers, essences of wisdom, truths and the universal love, the peace and the freedom, which are present and accumulated in me.
Deine Kraft entfalte sich in mir, auf Erden und in den Himmeln.
Deine Allmacht werde zur bewussten Bestimmtheit in mir, in meinem Körper und allen geistigen Bereichen.
* Your power shall unfold in me, on the Earth and in the firmaments.
* Your all-mightiness shall become the conscious distinctness in me, in my body and in all spiritual realms.
Mein tägliches Brot gib mir heute,
Lasse deine Allmacht täglich in mir wirksam sein und sich entfalten und nähre mein Unwissen mit Wissen und Weisheit,
* Give me my daily bread today,
* Let your all-mightiness be effective in me daily and unfold itself, and nourish my unknowledge with knowledge and essence of wisdom,
so ich erkenne meine Schuld, und ich erkenne die Wahrheit.
wodurch ich die begangenen Fehler zu erkennen und zu beheben vermag, die mich auf dem Wege meiner Entwicklung befallen.
* so I recognise my responsibility and I recognise the truth.
* whereby I am able to recognize and rectify the committed errors, which befall me on the way of my development.
Und führe mich nicht in Versuchung und Verwirrung, sondern erlöse mich vom Irrtum.
Lasse mich nicht durch materielle und weltliche Dinge und falsche Denkweisen irre Wege gehen und durch Irrlehren in Glaubensabhängigkeit verfallen.
* And do not lead me into confusion and delusion, but release me from erroneous assumption.
* Let me not – through material and worldly things and wrong modes of thinking – go irrational ways and fall into belief-dependence through irrational teachings,
Denn dein ist das Reich in mir und die Kraft und das Wissen in Ewigkeit.
Denn deine Allmacht soll bewusst in mir sein; die Kraft deines Könnens und des Wissens im Absolutum für die Dauer aller Zeiten.
* For yours is the realm in me and the power and the knowledge in eternity.
* For I shall be conscious of your all-mightiness in me; the power of your capability and the knowledge in the Absolutum for the duration of all times.