The future exists in the human being himself/herself, for he/she must only recognize it, form it and let it be active.
SSSC, November 14, 2013, 4:35 pm, Billy
The future is and acts in the human being
The human being lives out of the constantly flowing time of the past, only a tiny nanosecond in the present, in order to, immediately, live into the future. Therethrough, the future is always with and in himself/herself and currently unfolds with him/her together in everything that is coming and will be coming. This future, existing with and in the human being, is the driving power of progress, and it is to be understood as a factor of self-preservation and self-development as well as of all ongoing development in any wise whatsoever. In this wise, also the dreams the human being has in his/her slumber, as well as his/her plans, longings and wishes, which he/she nourishes and cherishes in the awakeness, are a seed of the nanosecond-like present, which flows, however, continuously developing itself into the future. So the human being has all that he/she needs in himself/herself for his/her future, namely his/her ideas and thoughts, through which he/she forms his/her plans, longings and wishes, in order to make everything true and bring it to fruition by letting it go into the future. And this is only possible, because the future is in him/her and he/she only must realize all that which his/her idea- and thought-based impulsations of every kind bring forth. In this wise, the future is not only in the human being, but he/she is the future himself/herself, consequently there is no unfulfillable longing for him/her for anything good, positive, loving, peaceful and free as well as harmonious and luck-like, that he/she could not fulfill himself/herself, if only he/she righteously makes an effort to do so and works-into in the future in this wise. So he/she has to let the future in himself/herself do what it likes and also allow it to fulfill itself out of himself/herself. And if he/she lets the future take effect in himself/herself, then there is nothing good and positive and therefore nothing valueful that would not be fulfilled for him/her in the future and which could not come up to him/her, if he/she allows their coming. Thus, the future is and works in the human being in every kind and wise, in order to have success and to gain benefit in the future, in which case he/she simply has to willfully adjust himself/herself to the coming happenings, fulfillments and situations, etc., through which the future stored in him/her, unfolds and strives forwards and thereby also allows the realization of his/her plans and the unfolding of his/her longings and wishes.
SSSC, November 14, 2013, 4:28 pm, Billy
Translation: Bruce Lulla, USA // Invaluable corrective assistance: Mariann Uehlinger, Switzerland