YOUR TOKEN MEMBERSHIP PURCHASE will support the“We Are Change”global network.This new awarenessnetwork represents true freedom as ourworld of information moves at speedsunknown since time immemorial. We Are Change will use this new awareness information network for the benevolenceof humanity, alandscape of humanity this is woven by a new digital loomof value transfer and trust, while using the Bitcoin model to expand usage.•Crypto currenciesand smart contracts, blockchainsand tangles, bitcoins and altcoins,have unwittingly become the daily news flavorsof mega news outlets and algorithmic search engines powered by computers the size of towns. •Self-respectingNational identities, havebeen on the rise as proud citizens awakento understanding that uncensored truth, real freedom and pure liberty =evolution There is a strong correlation betweennew awareness and truth movements withthe cryptocurrencymodel.Historicallyboth merge and represent the future; a future free of federal body financial and regulatory misconduct and orcorruptedgovernance; a future free of globalanti-evolutionary agendas, financial manipulation and control fear censor-ship tactics; this new freedomis represented clearly in the We Are Change model / movement;•Canada has become a global destination for blockchain infrastructure, cryptocurrency mining startups, Bitcoinexchanges, and technological advancement.•We Are Change is about evolution of thought and awareness as we move into the future•We Are Change is laying the golden bricks of the future one that allows true freedom of thought where the people have a clear uncensored voice to represent themselves as citizens of the earth.Liber T tokenis a membership fundraising instrument and a donation platform for two separateentities, the New Federation of Canada(NFC), with the political party mandate to run political campaigns in federal electoral jurisdictions to promote freedom without censorship, and thenon -profitEternal Wellness Society, (EWS) a ministryestablished as an educational mind, body and spiritual integrative health and wellness information hub,supporting the Wellness World News Network (WWNN)