Seven Valuable Steps of Meditation
(Excerpt from "Meditation from a clear Sight”)
by 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier
Source: Auszug aus «Meditation aus klarer Sicht»
Seven Valuable Steps of Meditation
Generally, each form of meditation consists in part of a specific approach to a neutral+positive way of life and also to the fulfillment of the Creational Laws and Recommendations. In particular, there are seven meditative steps which are of great importance and can be studied meditatively. The meditative path can be taken - as already mentioned - via any form of meditation, but also in everyday life, when conscious thoughts and feelings are cultivated so as to work out the seven steps and make them become reality. These seven steps are structured as follows and are designed to be striven for:
1) Positive Thoughts
Positive thoughts arise from the recognition that everything is both negative and positive, and thus forms a perfect unity (oneness). In this sense everything is to be seen as good, which can be used as an aid to shape thoughts and life in accordance with the law of the Creation. This is also true in the sense that one has gone through life with care, virtue and perseverance, and that trust in one's own personality and its power and reason are cultivated, as well as the necessary place being given to joy and humor. The life is to be taken as it is, always making the best of it, just as everything has to be left or done, what has to be left or done and what cannot be postponed. Behind all appearances, the reality and the true fullness of life must be gratefully recognized and lived. Love, peace, freedom, harmony and positive+neutral equilibrium must be the excellence of appreciation of all things, as well as the protection of all life, humanity and the fulfillment of all Creational Laws to the best of one's ability and capacity.
2) Positive Feelings
Feelings arise in every case and therefore without exception from previous thoughts. So the feelings are formed according to the nature of the thoughts - be it negative or positive. In terms of success, progress and development, only positive thoughts and feelings are important, through which the negative, which is always involved in them, is usefully processed into the positive and transformed into a neutral balanced state and thus into correspondingly positive feelings. The path to positive feelings leads via positive thoughts in such a way that everything is taken as it fundamentally is, without having to be embarrassed, hated, slandered or condemned etc. This also applies to the HumanBeings, who must be accepted in their relationship as they really are. The whole condition determining this is that one's own thoughts and feelings are openly and honestly acknowledged in all their virtues, because only in this way is it possible to recognize one's own true value and to live them honestly within the fullness of the relevant feelings. All of these conditions determining life - and everything that results from it - always has to be observed, but not evaluated. This also refers to the fellow HumanBeing, who must also be accepted as they are, without judging them and without prejudging or condemning them on that basis. But this can only be done by seeing them solely as HumanBeings and by lovingly letting the right thing happen. Through right thoughts, the right feelings are also created, which regard the fellow HumanBeing emotionally as such and do not judge them according to their possible bad deeds.
3) Positive Willpower
Positive willpower is found in the willingness to learn and to understand as well as in the motivation and initiative that precedes everything. On the whole, however, forgiving oneself and apologizing to others is also essential when it comes to doing the right thing. If the willpower is to be used to do something that has to be done, it can only be done by not letting mental and emotional obstacles stand in the way, when there is no need for a pending apology or forgiveness. A basic condition for the use of positive willpower is also to listen to what life wants in order to gain the necessary insights, draw the right conclusions and make the right decisions, which must then be translated into reality with positive willpower. So it is necessary to build up one's own positive willpower from this and through this to fulfill one's own will, which is never opposed by a higher will of a higher power, a God or HumanBeings. One's own positive willpower is above all the will of other people and forces, when the HumanBeings become conscious of this truth and preserve and cultivate the freedom of their own will with its power.
4) Positive SpeechStyle
A positive way of speaking consists in expressing oneself clearly and distinctly through words. A positive way of speaking can be learned both through appropriate meditation and in everyday life, by consciously cultivating appropriate thoughts and feelings. Truly the feelings that arise from the thoughts also play a certain role and determine the emphasis of the way of speaking.A positive way of speaking involves speaking words clearly and precisely and choosing their meaning precisely so that no misunderstandings arise. Positive speech also means that there is no inflation of words, but that words and sentences are formed in an appropriate way, without excess of words, so that they are fully explanatory and unambiguous. The absence of word inflation does not mean that something should be simply said in a ''short and concise'' way, because the rule proves that this produces ''short and concise’' results. Positive speech also means that there is no inflation of words, but that words and sentences are formed in an appropriate way, without excess of words, so that they are fully explanatory and unambiguous. The absence of word inflation does not mean that something should be simply said in a ''short and concise'' way, because the rule proves that this produces a ''short and concise’' results. So, logically, a positive way of speaking does not result in a lengthy torrent of words, but in a concise sequence of words and sentences that are fully explanatory and do not leave any imperfections. A positive way of speaking is also based on the fact that no unsolicited advice is ever given and no secrets, etc., that have been confided are ever passed on. It also includes silence, which must be respected, about confidential matters, for example. Positive speech includes honesty in word and deed, but also the giving of gifts of words, about joy, happiness, suffering or sadness, encouragement, consolation, thanks or blessing.
5) Positive Action
The positive action includes the whole of life, including nature, the HumanBeings, the fauna and flora and everything that exists there. The positive way of acting requires the HumanBeing to think carefully, as well as to be sensitive and forgiving towards their fellow human beings and all life and existence, in a loving, helpful and constructive way. It also includes perseverance, consideration and reliability, as well as independence from the expectations of other HumanBeings. A positive way of acting requires self-confidence and self-responsibility as well as always being conscious about what needs to be done and what is being done and what needs to be done at the right moment. But it also includes giving and taking in the right way, about the right amount of food, the treatment of the Dear Fellow Human Being and respect for the happiness, freedom and harmony, peace, joy and love of oneself and others.
6) Positive ConsciousnessForm
A positive form of consciousness arises from the recognition of the effective truth and reality. This state of consciousness contains harmony, love and peace, as well as modesty, joy, happiness and freedom, from which all the high values of true humanity and ultimately evolution are formed. Regularly going into silence in a meditative way and taking time to learn, to reflect and to build up all the high values within oneself is a necessity that should not be neglected. The positive form of Consciousness demands that the whole of life be directed towards the highest and that the meaning of life, which consists in the conscious evolution of Consciousness, be fulfilled. It therefore also means to live in a Consciousness-Based way that is meaningful in the present and within the framework of the fulfillment of the Creational Laws and Recommendations.
7) Positive Lifestyle
A positive way of life means living according to Creational-Natural and Creational-Spiritual Laws and Recommendations. In this sense, HumanBeings should be able to go through life carefree and serene in the knowledge that they alone determine the good, the bad and the work of their existence, no matter what is brought to them. Through the behavior of their Consciousness, their thoughts and feelings as well as the state of their psyche, they themselves determine their positive way of life. They themselves determine their inner freedom and inner peace, their inner harmony and joy, even when evil is brought to them from outside. In this way the HumanBeing alone determines their harmonious relationships, the cultivation of their love and all the things that make them happy. So they can lie in chains, but still be free and cultivate love, peace and harmony within themselves, because the positive way of life is also a LifeAttitude, and this determines what, how and who the HumanBeings are. The positive way of life determines the existence of the HumanBeings, so that they enjoy living, but that they are also ready to leave at any time when their life is over. Furthermore, the positive way of life also demands that as long as a humanBeings lives, they should use reason, that they should always be a good example to themselves, that they should take care of their body and their life and their health and that they should direct their whole existence towards the true meaning of life, that they should recognize and respect themselves.
Every HumanBeing determines the level at which he/she leads his/her life through the alignment and opening of his/her Consciousness, thoughts, feelings and the psyche itself. Through the formation of his/her entire MentalBlock, each HumanBeings determines his/her own value, and consequently, he/she always enjoys as much respect as he/she gives himself/herself about these values. This self-respect and self-value is determined by the HumanBeings through his/her world of thoughts and feelings, through his/her personality, his/her character and through the behavior resulting from it. An old proverb teaches: "The wise person learns from his/her mistakes and becomes a wise person, but whoever does not become wise becomes a fool". And truly to be a fool in the sense of the vernacular has always been a hard fate that has cost many lives. The one who does not learn and lives thoughtlessly with his mistakes wastes all his/her unlimited possibilities of his/her world of thoughts and feelings, which could be optimally used to make better use of his/her life through a meditative mental construction. Just daily efforts in short meditations to see the world, the HumanBeings and oneself as positively as possible, to think positively and to form corresponding feelings, to speak and act positively, very quickly brings a lot of joy into life. A positive environment and a positive society can also contribute to this, and when positive behaviors are developed in the process, this contributes greatly to making the path of positive progress much easier and with more and more vigor. If life in everyday life becomes more and more positive in this way, then slowly everything will be seen more positively and life will become more enjoyable. Slowly, fears and stress are also reduced, feelings of guilt are re-experienced and thus neutralized, while emotions of all kinds also take on forms that become more and more bearable. After a short time self-pity, worries, anger and doubt disappear when the constructive short meditations or just the daily care and nurturing of positive, constructive thoughts and feelings are not neglected. The whole process of daily medication or purely mental-emotional exercises in this respect is extremely thorough, even when only one minute - or two minutes - is spent on it three or more times a day. The whole thing is a form of psycho-hygiene which becomes a popular habit after a short time, because comprehensible results appear which do not want to be missed anymore. In the whole process, you only have to learn to create thoughts and feelings that you would like to have.