In the right situation, the human being may also become loud for once
The power of resistance of the human being against evil vices, mania and pathological cravings, ausartung* as well as intrigues, in any case, furthers everything good and positive: love and peace, freedom and harmony, as well as happiness and satisfaction.
SSSC, February 28, 2015, 10:34 pm, Billy
Many a human being, in his/her unhappy and unsatisfied life, has again and again experienced situations ever since his/her childhood, which he/she just could not accept and over which he/she has excessively gotten angry, because he/she just could not come to terms with it. Thus, for whatever reasons, he/she got angry about his/her parents, possible brothers and sisters, about the grandparents and relatives as well as about acquaintances, friends, about teachers and supervisors, because he/she did not dare stand up to them and to vociferously tell them his/her opinion, when it would have been necessary, on the one hand to make his/her point of view clear to them, and on the other hand, in order to be able to stand one’s ground. At the same time he/she has never noticed that in reality he/she has harmed himself/herself by his/her anger and his/her knuckling under, and indeed because he/she in truth got angry with himself/herself, precisely because he/she wrapped himself/herself in silence. However, the whole thing has its reason therein, because neither as a child, nor as an adolescent and adult human being, was it conceded to him/her to once vociferously vent his/her anger in a negative case. In the same wise, this has also been extended to positive impulsations, consequently he/she has also not learned to vociferously express himself/herself for something joyful, happy and satisfying, because this was likewise prevented to him/her. So he/she was forced to scale back the behavior in every respect and to pull himself/herself together, in order to avoid any vociferous expression regarding his/her opinion, that he/she would have so loved to let out of himself/herself. However, everything, all his/her anger and that which he/she was conscious of as opinion and was on the tip of his/her tongue for utterance, he/she has simply swallowed, instead of bringing up the whole (thing) clearly, precisely and vociferously. With this vociferous-bringing-up, however, is not meant quarreling, but simply a loudly voiced distinct, firm and clear explanation of one's own opinion in relation to the mentioned facts, and indeed without anger being involved in doing so. To raise one's own word vociferously and in the right angerless wise, corresponds thus to an urgent necessity, when with respect to the voice, it cannot be spoken in a normal, but only in a raised voice. Unfortunately, to speak with a loud and therefore raised voice is often unavoidable, because certain human beings only respond to arguments put forward to them, when the facts to be put forth are vociferously made clear to them.
If this is necessary, then it must be done precisely in this wise, which however does not have to be so in every case, because usually a normal tone of voice can clarify any concern, unless by one side, it is stubbornly switched to defense and uncomprehension. Unfortunately, becoming loud – without quarreling – is sometimes not to be avoided when a human being wants to make one's voice heard to another who simply switches to stubbornness. Thus, in such a case, the raising of the voice is justified, however only to the point where no dispute arises and no anger takes hold. However, if disputes and anger arise, then it brings forth very bad psychic, psychosomatic and physical consequences, such as blood vessel narrowing, shrinking of the gums, the formation of gallstones and kidney stones, as well as hyperacidity of the body and stomach as well as stomach ulcers, gastritis, chronic muscle tensions and muscular cramps, right up to articular calcifications, suppurations of the auxiliary and frontal sinuses and thyroid gland damage, etc.
When the human being, who is unhappy and unsatisfied, indulges in anger, then he/she misuses his/her consciousness-thought-feeling-psyche-based energies and powers by creating in himself/herself resentment, discord, hatred, fury and rage as well as inner misery and inner hardship. And when anger burns in the human being, then it couples with fury and rage, etc., which the body simply does not accept and cannot cope with, consequently the whole thing spreads in the body and acts psychosomatically and ultimately physically affects the organs in a pathological wise. So then, ultimately, this altogether expresses that which prevails in his/her inner – everything that is chronically suppressed, because he/she does not express himself/herself vociferously and disputelessly within a correct frame and in order to make clear his/her own opinion to others. His/her entire physical body – and therefore also all his/her internal organs – is a perfect reflection of his/her consciousness-thought-feeling-psyche-based attitude and his/her effectively given condition as well as his/her real behavior towards his/her life. So the whole thing is that which he/she fabricates and does to himself/herself, so that it is not life itself that burdens him/her with his/her sufferings, his/her misery, his/her hardship and pain as well as his/her unhappiness and unsatisfaction, but solely and exclusively only he himself/she herself, consequently he/she must set right everything and bring it in a right condition himself/herself. He/she may consider and know very clearly that life per se is not difficult and unfair, but that he/she makes it to this all alone through all his/her wrong thoughts and feelings. He himself/she herself makes his/her life to a hard fight and to a hard school, so he/she also has to pay for the consequences of his/her wrong thought- and feeling-modes.
Effectively, life itself is not responsible for the fact that the human being is getting angry and that he/she hides away in himself/herself and does not express his/her opinion in a normal tone or, if necessary, in a loud voice if the situation requires it. And the fact that he/she prefers to hide himself/herself away and to remain silent, that is why he/she has made his/her life to a drudgery as well as unhappy and unsatisfied. But from now on, he/she has to change that and in this regard integrate himself/herself into the right forms of life by raising his/her voice in a normal or vociferous wise, if necessary, in order to make his/her opinion known and to make his/her own rules and guidelines clear to his/her fellow human beings. Only in this way can he/she break out of his/her own constriction and become free and full of courage, wherethrough also his/her life-courage grows, which in turn shows him/her the way to happiness and satisfaction, which he/she can gladly tread.
May the human being always consider, when he/she is unhappy and unsatisfied, that every cell of his/her body uninterruptedly registers very precisely, what he/she thinks and perceives in a feeling-based wise about himself/herself and his/her life as well as about the fellow human beings and the environment. Therefore, if he/she does not amply stand up for himself/herself, then all the fibers of his/her consciousness and body perceive this and accordingly switch everything to terribleness and ruin. So from now on, he/she has to stand up for himself/herself, for his/her own well-being, for his/her happiness and for his/her satisfaction, which means that he/she now has to create these values in himself/herself, so that every cell of his/her body perceives and registers this. And if this happens by his/her own conscious will, then his/her thoughts and feelings as well as his/her consciousness, his/her psyche and the whole body cannot do otherwise, than to react in such a way, that happiness and satisfaction build up in him/her, which stream through his/her entire cells of his/her body and convey a comprehensive well-being and joy, as well as peace and harmony to him/her and make him/her inwardly free. From that moment, when this begins to manifest itself in him/her, he/she is no longer a loser, but a winner, who henceforth gets his/her life under control, understands how to master it from now on and can freely and openly also say his/her opinion, be it in a normal tone of conversation or in a vociferous, firm and clarifying kind and wise.
SSSC, March 17, 2015, 11:23 pm, Billy
* Ausartung in the English language: Ausartung = very bad get out of the control of the good human nature. “fall-out” would also be possible instead of “get-out”. Ausartung is: bad getting out resp. falling out of the control of rightly being human in the real and true sense. In Genesis, Ausartung is explained in such a way among others: …these inclined and gotten-out-of-control doings (of the type of fundamental purpose … fallen doings)
Translation: Bruce Lulla, USA / Mariann Uehlinger, Switzerland