1. We wish for the human beings of Earth, that they, in all love and with rationality, tend to ending all aggression, all acts of Gewalt* and wars as well as all criminality, all hatred, all un-peace, each unfreedom as well as each pathological craving for revenge and retribution.
2. So that true fairness and humaneness as well as true deference and honour in dignity for life can prevail and rule, it is our wish that torture as well as the death penalty will be abolished in all countries worldwide, and laws will be issued that each life and the right of the integrity of the body and of the psyche will be respected and placed under legal protection.
3. We wish that an effort will be made on Earth to achieve a normal level of population and births, and in this regard a purposive birth control will be carried out worldwide, because only through such an effort can an excessive overpopulation and even more affliction and hardship, criminality, hatred against the next one, wars, exploitation of Earth’s resources to the very last as well as new illnesses, rampantly spreading diseases and misery be avoided and kept at bay.
4. Among all human beings on Earth, there shall be a striving for such a production of food, and these goods must be distributed such that starvation no longer occurs and all human beings also have ample nourishment and sufficient food.
5. Human beings of Earth, in all fields of science and the cultivation of the land and forests as well as the consumption and usage of water resources etc., shall no longer be destroying, but rather upbuilding and progressive. This also refers to the preservation of a healthy atmosphere and to the ever more threatening climatic change concerning that part for which the human beings are to blame.
6. Human beings of Earth shall consciously unfold themselves in the forms of love and knowledge as well as in true humaneness, and recognise the Creation-given evolution as the highest determination and sense of life.
7. Human beings of earth shall use their sciences in such a way that therefrom effective and positive progress arises in every respect.
8. In the human beings of Earth, the cognition, knowledge, experience and the living of it as well as wisdom shall ripen, that they are not the only human life forms in the entire universe and moreover, but a fraction of the whole in the universe.
9. There shall rule on Earth and among all human beings – regardless of which skin colour, race and direction of belief – true peace as well as true love and freedom without hatred, revenge, resentment, retaliation, hardship, misery, murder, manslaughter, terror and wars.
10. It has to come to an end that the countries of planet Earth — and even the poorest and the most underdeveloped among them — maintain armies that are armed to the teeth, and thus senselessly squander innumerable billions of monetary sums, which could and should be used for the true benefit and well-being of the human beings. So it should finally come to an end that politicians and military personnel as well as various organisations everywhere in the world talk of peace and freedom as well as love and humaneness, in order to justify immense financial expenditures on the one hand, and on the other hand, to get hold of even more funds for purposes of war and terror, and to stoke up the weapons industry, so that further acts of terror and wars can be carried out with the new weaponry.
11. It must finally come to an end on Earth, that human beings with a different opinion/mentality as well as with another direction of belief, a different skin colour and belong to another race are hated, persecuted, tortured and killed.
12. It has to come to an end that daily – for reasons of profit –, tens of thousands of tons of food are criminally destroyed or simply dumped into rivers due to low market prices, fed to livestock or left to rot; food and nourishment that would save millions of human beings from death by starvation, primarily women and children who are the ones to suffer the most in this regard.
13. It has to come to an end therewith that human beings, in their entire mass, are helpless and powerless in the face of all their great problems, because all the profit-greedy, irresponsible and conscienceless ones are able to unrestrainedly conduct their criminal affairs without being called to account, which applies also to the responsible ones in governments who are incapable of administering their office within the framework of a fair and appropriate people's leadership in order to solve problems that arise.
14. The human being of Earth has to learn most urgently to shoulder his/her own responsibility and to consciously act progressively in accordance with this. It can no longer be acceptable that the responsibility is simply shuffled off to anybody or anything else, because each individual is responsible for all his/her own thinking, feeling and acting. Each human being has to recognise and abide by his/her own responsibility, because only then, when the individual begins to recognise and to accept and follow his/her responsibility, will the next one be encouraged to do the same, wherethrough others in turn will follow and finally, at last, the whole humankind of Earth will be befallen by it.
15. If the individual human being has the need to actively do something in order to change the world, that is to say the human beings, then this really lies in his/her might, however always only in such a form by being an example for the next one and the next ones. Therefore, each human being first has to begin with the developmental change to the better, peaceful, loving, being-free and progressive as well as to knowledge and wisdom in himself/herself. Each one has to start with himself/herself and to discover a way to a free and happy life. At first, each human being must gain an optimistic attitude only for himself/herself , and only then, the progress and expansion will come about through which the next ones will be animated and join in. And if the human beings think consciously in this direction, they will make the amazing discovery, that all means and all hopes for a true progress only lie therein, to start with everything within themselves.
16. Through his/her cognition, the human being has to recognise, experience and live it in a detailed wise, what his/her real innermost nature (Wesen*) is and in what way this Wesen is related to the outer personality.
17. Unfortunately, the human beings of Earth have quite generally assigned the first echelons or the first echelon to political, economic, scientific, military, material and financial values. But this is an un-value which causes tremendous disadvantage, through which the well-being of physical and psychical form will be just as much impaired as the consciousness-related development of the individual human being and even of all humankind. As a result, the truly wise ones and philosophers have disappeared which made room for 'wanna-be's' in regard to wisdom and philosophy, which often inundate the world and its humankind with horrendous nonsense that has nothing to do with reality and the rightness and principles of the spiritual energies and the Creation. All these un-values have to be resolved in order to concede the true wise ones to their appropriate place in society. The opportunity has to be provided to the few presently living on Earth, to come out of their hidden seclusion in order to teach the human beings. At the same time, however, all those have to be pushed into the background, who spread nonsensical sectarian teachings and tenets, through which the human beings of Earth will be pushed away from the actual truth and led into the unreal.
18. Human beings of Earth have to learn not to run after only materialism and money from birth to death, and therefore they must not only listen to those who have amassed political and military might or an immense fortune. And so they must not emulate them nor try to resemble them and not dedicate their time, not their work and efforts and also not their initiative and not their life to them. However, if human beings do that nevertheless, they will then lose their evolution and, therefore, the sense of their existence. And if they do not then lose their lives in direct form, they make themselves dependent on the mighty ones of political, dictatorial, military or of a riches-wealthy form, scream pro and hurrah for them, and become to seeming-ones instead of being-ones.
19. The human being of Earth has to free himself/herself of the different political, dictatorial, military, scientific and belief-based directions, because this alone guarantees, on the one hand, the finding and walking the way of the creational truth and its laws and recommendations, and on the other hand, a loving, peaceful, free, wise and harmonious functioning of the individual human beings and the whole society of the humankind. Truthly, no 'schools of thought' of political, military, economic, scientific, philosophic and belief-related form may dominate over any other direction/orientation. However, if such domination exists, then rivalries, hatred, racism, religious and political conflicts develop as also un-peace, un-freedom, lovelessness, un-knowledge and many more un-values, which lead to destruction, murder and manslaughter as well as to actions of war and falseness.
20. The human being of Earth has to developmentally change himself/herself through his own rationality and responsibility-comprehension to the good and positive and therethrough rehabilitate himself/herself. Thus, he/she has to establish his/her own dimension and free himself/herself from the self-demeaning services of all his/her inadequacies, wrong hopes and wishes. Therefore, the human being of Earth has to bear in mind and consider that in striving towards the higher according to the creational laws* and recommendations, he/she will live new lives over and over again through many new personalities in the re-incarnation of the spirit-form and the overall consciousness-block, and indeed, in the obligation of creational wise, that he/she develops himself/herself in every logical, good and positive form. That however means, that each human being has to strive for his/her own progress in his/her own responsibility, and that society has to provide this possibility for him/her. It is rightful of each one to bring forth the effort to do the required work, for which he/she will be rewarded and which enables him/her to afford both his/her residence in one form or another, as well as in self-responsibility to bear the cost for food and clothing as well as for training/schooling and education, and for all other arising needs.
21. The human being of Earth has to learn to recognise and understand his/her true innermost creational Wesen*, because solely and exclusively through that will it be possible for him/her, to get involved with his/her body and above all with his/her material consciousness and its awakening and development. Therefore, he/she has to learn to appreciate the value of the innermost nature (Wesen*) as also of his/her body and consciousness, and to grant this cognition by himself/herself. Thus, the recognition and the conscious awakening of one’s own innermost Wesen is led through the awakening of the material consciousness as well as through the real perception of the body. (215th Contact, February 28, 1987, 2.09 a.m. ~ Quetzal)
Source: http://beam2eng.blogspot.com/2019/09/what-plejaren-wish-for-human-beings-of.html
Creational-Natural Laws
1. The Law of Creation
2. The Law of the Love
3. The Law of Oneness
4. The Law of Causality
5. The Law of Logic
6. The Law of Fairness
7. The Law of Contrary Factors (oppositeness)
8. The Law of Union of Opposites (attraction)
9. The Law of Magnetism
10. The Law of Determination
11. The Law of Becoming and Passing
12. The Laws of Nature: a. The Strong care for the Weak, the Weak are subordinate to the Strong
13. The Law of Nutrition/Nourishing and Nurturing (Material w food & drink, and Spiritual w Recognition, Knowledge, Truth, Wisdom & Love)
14. The Law of Dissolution (end of material values)
Creational-Natural Recommendations
'You shall not kill in depravity.'
'You shall not violate your covenant with CREATION.'
'You shall not steal or expropriate from others.'
'You shall not blaspheme the Truth,' ... and so forth.
The Observable Known Universe
In terms of the number of solar systems present in the universe: if there are something like 300 billion stars in the Milky Way, and if only 10% of them have planets - then there are around 30 billion planets in our galaxy alone.
Further, if there are over 100 billion galaxies in the observable known Universe, that is to say 10^21 (that's 1, then 21 zeros) planets in the observable Universe - then, are we soon to become a part of a Universal Galactic Human Race? Surely there is still quite a bit of uncertainty in that number, and we don't yet know how many of them would look like our sol-system~!
the German term "Gewalt" is used in English, because there is no adequate word in English that explains this Gewalt that is above all might and force (Gewalt: Elemental Might/Force used as an all available coercing means, powers based in the psyche, mind and consciousness, capabilities and skills, in order to carry out and wield monstrous (immense/tremendous) actions and deeds.
A Wesen is an independently existing life form with its own individuality and personality in an impulse-based, instinct-based or conscious consciousness-form with evolution-possibilities that are specifically directed towards everything, and with its own physical, psychical (relating to the psyche), conscious, part-conscious, unconscious, impulse- or instinct-based development-forms (human being, animal, creature and plants).