Sapere Aude
(dare to exercise reason)
by Billy
Sapere aude is the Latin phrase meaning "Dare to know"; and also is loosely translated as "Dare to be wise", or even more loosely as "Dare to think for yourself!"
Human of Earth, I wish for you that you always let the necessary prudence prevail on all your ways and that you always strive for love, happiness, peace, good cheer, freedom, joy and harmony, in order to lead your life to true contentment and to be able to share everything with your fellow humans.
Therefore, go your good and straight path amid all the din and all the ups and downs of life.
Therefore, never let the haste of the world come over you but always be peaceful in all things and practice composure where hecticness threatens.
Never speak too much but always think of the value of silence because in this is contained much peace and reflection.
Consequently, always thus hold peace within yourself whatever your own views, endeavors, ideas, wishes and fantasies are because, in the noisy chaos of life, your thoughts and feelings quite especially need all of what is good, worth loving, peaceful, free, harmonic, happy and joyful.
Always keep in mind that despite all calamities, all grief and all worries and despite all flowing tears everywhere, the world is nevertheless beautiful and wonderful in its and with its entire life even if dreams break here and there and an immense chaos makes all hopes appear as illusion.
This, however, should not concern you because the sun rises again every morning and brings new light and new warmth over the world and to all life forms even if it draws its path across the sky behind or above the clouds.
And, thus, like the sun shines anew high in the sky every day, openly or covered, you also can shine within yourself and cause your life to shine regardless of whether it becomes outwardly visible or whether it lights you up only within your interior.
Live in every circumstance in such a way that you always shine within yourself and that you also can pass on your inner warmth to your fellow human.
Also, always live in such a way that you yourself never give up and that you always are a good and valuable example for all your fellow humans with whom you should live in good, connective and honest relationships.
Therefore, live in peace with yourself as well as all humans and all creatures that creep and flee there in your vicinity as well as in the wild.
And, therefore, live also with Creation in peace and harmony regardless of whatever you imagine by it.
And if you live in peace with yourself as well as with your fellow human beings and all life and all that exists in general, then rejoice over all that which you are able to create in ideas and which you are able to plan.
And rejoice as much over all your achievements, and always be aware that you alone, through the power of your thoughts and feelings, have the authority to decide on how, what and who you are.
And in this sense, remain independent and strong and never let yourself get down.
Therefore, also never lapse into submissiveness with regard to a human regardless of however and whatever he may be or pretend to be.
But also never thus become a submissive slave to any imaginary deity, any angels or saints, as also never to anything else.
Also, never practice submissiveness with regard to yourself but always be open and honest as well as forceful to yourself and regard yourself as a human, which you truly are and who governs himself in every respect himself, even if you should be in chains.
Even chains can never deprive you of your true inner freedom as well as your inner peace, of joy, happiness and harmony, if you do not shackle, bind and gag yourself in all your inner values through yourself.
Therefore, always be yourself in every circumstance; always be you and feign something neither to yourself nor to others.
Feign affection, affinity and love neither to yourself nor to others if everything is dishonest.
Therefore, also never ridicule these values, because they are more valuable than money and property.
Therefore, always be devoted to the actual truth and let it work within yourself; also, spread it among your neighbors and among your fellow humans in general, but always do this with reason, calmness and with clear words.
However, never do it in a way that you readily listen to yourself speak and thereby let others have no say.
Also, always limit your talk to what is necessary and do not digress, because long and excessive talks have only a short-lived meaning, make the listeners yawn and thereby cause great displeasure, misunderstanding and inattentiveness.
Remember, the person who speaks long and excessively always has bad and ill-humored listeners.
Short-lived meaning applies to the long talk, great meaning, however, to the short talk.
Also, always keep in mind to attentively listen to others because, like yourself, they place value on being understood.
And always be aware that even children and fools as well as stupid and ignorant ones have something to say regardless of whatever kind of talk is their own.
They all have, like you and all other humans, their story, their life and their worries and needs as well as joyful and woeful things, about which they gladly want to talk.
Therefore, the possibility for this must be given to them because they have the same right as you, which is why you must not oppose them in this respect.
Furthermore, be not loud to your fellow human if this is not necessary for any important reasons.
Also, be not aggressive and not unfriendly, because every human wishes that he is treated in a friendly and peaceful way, even the most wicked evildoer.
For your part, however, avoid loud and aggressive humans because evil and vexation emerge from them if you get involved with them.
Nonetheless, however, it is your duty to respect them as humans and to concede to them all those rights that are good.
You should not and must not disrespect them as humans even if it is impossible for you to foster upright interpersonal relationships with them.
But always do the best that's possible for you in every respect to them and never let contempt fall over them.
Even if you should avoid loud and aggressive humans and keep the necessary distance and company with them, nevertheless be full of decency and be peaceful and honest towards them and speak unspitefully and friendly when they direct words to you or when a word is necessary on your part.
This also means that you should never feel hate within yourself against your neighbor, because hate always does you harm in every way primarily - secondarily, possibly your neighbor.
Always compare your neighbor, your fellow human, with yourself and never nurture pride or bitterness with regard to him.
Always be open and obliging and ever willing to forgivingly accommodate your neighbor.
Also, never feel superior to your fellow humans and never think that your worth be greater than theirs, because, truly, all humans equally are worth much no matter what their nature may be because the human as such always remains a human regardless of whatever good or bad he does.
Therefore, never condemn your neighbor, your fellow human, if he does or has done things that offend against law and order or simply against your own views, against your morals and against your feelings, etc.
Always condemn only that which is done by the fellow human - or by yourself - because only what offends the law and against the order is condemnation-worthy, thus, so is the human's actions that offend against law and order, however, never he himself as a human.
As a human, each person is taboo and untouchable as such for a condemnation because a condemnation can effectively be given only for the law-and-order-breaking actions in any case.
However, whatever the human does comes, as a rule, under his own will and, with this, also under his own thoughts; and it is exactly these that must be corrected by him then, by them being compelled in any appropriate, humane and reasonable manner, to rectify the incorrect behavior and, from then on, to cope with life and all that pertains to it in ways that conform with law and order.
Therefore, each human as such is, in fact, responsible for himself and also possesses the same rights as his neighbor in this respect, which also is valid for yourself in any case.
Therefore, never elevate yourself above your neighbors and never be of the erroneous view that you are the most distinguished and most knowing human in this world, because, truly, there are humans who stand high above you in this respect because they are more distinguished than you in any matters of work, knowledge, ability and functioning, etc.
But, therefore, be not sad, because this is the actual way of the world and evolution.
Therefore, it can be only advised and suggested to you to endeavor in all matters of life and progress in such a way that you also advance in order to one day likewise reach that state of those who still stand above you for any reasons of distinction.
But, at the same time, always be aware that others are not also at a standstill in their progress but likewise steadily strive for what is higher; consequently, they will be ahead of you again and be more distinguished than you when you have reached their stage, which you have striven for.
However, be wary in your striving that you exercise prudence, namely, in all your thinking, feeling and acting, because the world abounds with dishonesty and with humans who perpetrate deceits and all kinds of other criminal and condemnation-worthy actions in order to pull a fast one on you and to take you to the cleaners.
But this should never be a reason for you to shut yourself off from the value of honesty and to act in the same way as those who deceive you thoroughly.
Always be aware of the great value of virtues and make like very many of your fellow humans who strive for high ideals and lead a life that is full of a quiet heroism.
Thus, always bear the burden of life honestly and with dignity regardless of whether this is joyful or painful.
Thus, also dignify your becoming old and give it the grace that you have given it also in youth.
Also, honor your body and also show it the necessary dignity; thus, you acknowledge and value it in the way it was given to you without maltreating it out of selfishness and any flimsy irrationalities in a beautification obsession.
Also, pay attention to the power of your consciousness as well as to your thoughts and feelings so that you are able to cope with a sudden unhappiness, a mourning or a loss and do not collapse.
Always be clear and reasonable in your thinking and let neither anxieties, loneliness nor exhaustion arise within you because, from this, new anxieties as well as grief and suffering always result.
Therefore, always practice and maintain a healthy, intentional discipline for yourself, and always be friendly as well as loving and dignified to yourself in the process.
Also, at the same time, always be aware that you are a creation of the universe, of Creation, not less than any of your fellow humans, than all animals and plants and whatever creeps and flees there.
Even the stars and planets as well as the falling stars, the meteors, the galaxies and the comets pertain to that.
And like all these things and all your fellow humans and like all life forms of all kinds, you also have a right to be on this wonderful earth to live, to evolve and to enjoy your existence and to unfold and live it together with the power of the universe, as it must be regardless of whether this is clear to you or not.